Features of Fully Automated Centre

Organizational development is a process used to enhance the effectiveness of an organization and its overall productivity through initiating changes from within.

Organizational development helps in

Eliminating weaknesses within the organization

Business growth in terms of market share and profitability

Employee growth

Continuous development

While changing organizations may sound simple, it often encounters opposition, passive resistance, and even open hostility. A leader's ability to comprehend and advocate the benefits of change is pivotal in any organizational development initiative.

Eliminating weaknesses within the organization

The starting point of any Organisation Development initiative is an unbiased and frank discussion with top management that largely focuses on the positives and negatives of the business and the organisation and how they can be strengthened or rectified. Each of the identified weaknesses, when addressed and resolved, build a stronger organisation.


Business growth in terms of market share and profitability

The focus of Organisation Development is on improving structures, procedures, policies, that hinder smooth functioning and achieving organisation’s goals. As these development initiatives take root in an organisation, “wasteful” efforts are reduced and efficiency improves.

Two key metrics the top management need to focus on to understand the impact of the organisation development are growth of market-share and the profitability of the operations. As the company gets stronger, the impact of the organisation development initiatives will get reflected in these metrics.

Employee growth

A growing organisation needs a set of capable employees to handle the increased volume of business and growth opportunities.

Focusing on employee growth improves talent within a company, helping to build a more capable and “ready for growth” team. This also leads to a better motivated, deeply engaged workforce, reducing attrition and a boost in productivity and efficiency.

Continuous development

We live in a world that is constantly changing and hence to cope with it, Organisations need to invest in continuous development to remain ahead of their competitors in the market. A continuous cycle of improvement of business can happen, only when constant evaluation of processes and upgrading them or introducing newer and better processes happen.

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