Industry segment: In house Call Centre
An in-house call centre for the Pan India operations of a telecom major had a large number of bright youngsters in both outbound and inbound call management. The company was losing bright young talent as the employees saw limited upward mobility and monotonous work. The high attrition was costing the company a lot in terms of recruiting and training fresh talent.
An unique experiment was designed to identify the potential team leads from within the call centre agents, instead of hiring the team leads laterally from other companies. The assessment was designed to be fast-paced, riveting in terms of engaging the youthful candidates, and completed within 3 hours to keep the candidates fully focused.
The design emphasised on leadership competencies relevant for young teams with low age and education differences across levels. The emphasis was on soft skills rather than knowledge. This unique design was liked and enjoyed by the candidates and the business got insight on potential leaders at grass root level in the company.

The design and execution of the centre gave instant benefits in terms of attrition of talented youngsters as their perception of the future within the company changed. The process was extended to other units of the company across India.

The design and execution of the centre helped the company to promote deserving candidates and provide intensive training and support to other High Potentials in the team. The process was extended to other units of the company across India.
Industry segment: Software Services
A global leader in software services with rapid geographic expansion and sharp growth in revenues needed a large number of mid-level managers to handle the growth in terms of client engagement as well as project execution. Speed was of the essence as the industry itself was growing very fast and the need to provide rapid career growth was essential. The company wanted a comprehensive evaluation of the candidates in order to identify the High Potentials early in their careers.
An assessment centre spread across two days was designed with a range of individual and group exercises. The aim was to provide ample time and opportunity for the candidates to showcase their talent. These expert-led assessments were designed to go into depth and bring out the maximum information about the candidates.
The assessments clearly identified employees who were ready to take on the next roles and those who needed additional training before they can handle larger responsibilities.